diff --git a/inventory/group_vars/all.yml b/inventory/group_vars/all.yml index 29aae0f..303d581 100644 --- a/inventory/group_vars/all.yml +++ b/inventory/group_vars/all.yml @@ -62,3 +62,10 @@ secret_nextcloud_db_pass: !vault | 6538383936643664370a663737333861303132313031373234396562653464653838343836663530 38396663633237383764613139346333636432613464356465663661653265323135363032633963 3335626335353431616365313232346431313439653132303833 +secret_nextcloud_admin_pass: !vault | + $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 + 66303362626535386438633666376264313563323034343938363034353435306463613364366636 + 3633343332643062633265643838346465623362323866610a666237636461376166373938626538 + 62326334356339326330623336363038323431363266306265386635343432383764623437386462 + 3534643731333331320a393462323264666135666134336536633639613065363339333131653433 + 37653732313664356330356139646336353735613336326563366361383737653538 diff --git a/site.yml b/site.yml index a974240..227c983 100755 --- a/site.yml +++ b/site.yml @@ -75,110 +75,106 @@ become: yes tags: [ db, psql ] # Webservers - -# NOTE: This whole stanza has been commented out pending resolution of https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/71528 -# Currently, no release packages this fix. I NEED that fix out to work around this bug in 20.04 - -#- hosts: web1.desu.ltd -# roles: -# - role: certbot -# vars: -# certbot_admin_email: rehashedsalt@cock.li -# certbot_create_if_missing: yes -# certbot_create_method: standalone -# certbot_create_standalone_stop_services: -# - apache2 -# certbot_certs: -# - domains: -# - desu.ltd -# - git.desu.ltd -# - nc.desu.ltd -# - web1.desu.ltd -# become: yes -# tags: [ web, certbot ] -# - role: apache -# vars: -# apache_remove_default_vhost: yes -# apache_packages_state: latest -# apache_mods_enabled: -# - ssl.load -# - proxy.load -# - proxy_http.load -# - rewrite.load -# apache_vhosts: -# - servername: git.test.desu.ltd -# extra_parameters: | -# ProxyPreserveHost On -# ProxyRequests Off -# ProxyPass / nocanon retry=1 -# - servername: nc.test.desu.ltd -# documentroot: /var/www/html/nextcloud -# - servername: test.desu.ltd -# documentroot: /var/www/html/desu.ltd -# become: yes -# tags: [ web, apache ] -# - role: php -# vars: -# php_memory_limit: 512M -# php_packages_extra: -# - libapache2-mod-php -# - php-zip # For Nextcloud -# - php-intl -# - php-imagick -# - php-redis -# - php-bcmath -# - php-gmp -# - php-pgsql # For general DB stuff -# # Nextcloud recommended opcache settings -# php_opcache_max_accelerated_files: 10000 -# php_opcache_memory_consumption: 128 -# php_opcache_revalidate_freq: 2 -# become: yes -# tags: [ web, php ] -# - role: git -# vars: -# git_repos: -# - repo: https://git.9iron.club/salt/desultd -# dest: /var/www/html/desu.ltd -# become: yes -# tags: [ web, git ] -# - role: nextcloud -# vars: -# nextcloud_admin_user: admin -# nextcloud_admin_pass: foobar -# nextcloud_version: 19 -# nextcloud_urls: -# - http://nc.test.desu.ltd:80 -# nextcloud_config: -# system: -# trusted_domains: -# "{{ nextcloud_urls | map('urlsplit', 'hostname') | list }}" -# nextcloud_database: -# backend: pgsql -# name: nextcloud -# user: nextcloud -# pass: "{{ secret_nextcloud_db_pass }}" -# host: -# port: 5432 -# become: yes -# tags: [ web, nextcloud ] -# - role: gitea -# vars: -# # Look and feel -# gitea_app_name: "Git Desu" -# # Core config -# gitea_db_type: postgres -# gitea_db_host: -# gitea_db_name: gitea -# gitea_db_user: gitea -# gitea_db_password: "{{ secret_gitea_db_pass }}" -# gitea_http_domain: git.test.desu.ltd -# gitea_oauth2_enabled: no -# gitea_root_url: http://git.test.desu.ltd -# gitea_shell: "/bin/bash" -# gitea_ssh_domain: git.test.desu.ltd -# gitea_ssh_port: 22 -# gitea_start_ssh: no -# gitea_user: git -# become: yes -# tags: [ web, gitea ] +- hosts: web1.desu.ltd + roles: + - role: apache + vars: + apache_remove_default_vhost: yes + apache_packages_state: latest + apache_mods_enabled: + - ssl.load + - proxy.load + - proxy_http.load + - rewrite.load + apache_vhosts: + - servername: git.test.desu.ltd + extra_parameters: | + ProxyPreserveHost On + ProxyRequests Off + ProxyPass / nocanon retry=1 + - servername: nc.test.desu.ltd + documentroot: /var/www/html/nextcloud + - servername: test.desu.ltd + documentroot: /var/www/html/desu.ltd + become: yes + tags: [ web, apache ] + - role: certbot + vars: + certbot_admin_email: rehashedsalt@cock.li + certbot_create_if_missing: yes + certbot_create_method: standalone + certbot_create_standalone_stop_services: + - apache2 + certbot_certs: + - domains: + - desu.ltd + - git.desu.ltd + - nc.desu.ltd + - web1.desu.ltd + become: yes + tags: [ web, certbot ] + - role: php + vars: + php_memory_limit: 512M + php_packages_extra: + - libapache2-mod-php + - php-zip # For Nextcloud + - php-intl + - php-imagick + - php-redis + - php-bcmath + - php-gmp + - php-pgsql # For general DB stuff + # Nextcloud recommended opcache settings + php_opcache_max_accelerated_files: 10000 + php_opcache_memory_consumption: 128 + php_opcache_revalidate_freq: 2 + become: yes + tags: [ web, php ] + - role: git + vars: + git_repos: + - repo: https://git.9iron.club/salt/desultd + dest: /var/www/html/desu.ltd + become: yes + tags: [ web, git ] + - role: nextcloud + vars: + nextcloud_admin_user: admin + nextcloud_admin_pass: "{{ secret_nextcloud_admin_pass }}" + nextcloud_version: 19 + nextcloud_urls: + - http://nc.test.desu.ltd:80 + nextcloud_config: + system: + trusted_domains: + "{{ nextcloud_urls | map('urlsplit', 'hostname') | list }}" + nextcloud_database: + backend: pgsql + name: nextcloud + user: nextcloud + pass: "{{ secret_nextcloud_db_pass }}" + host: + port: 5432 + become: yes + tags: [ web, nextcloud ] + - role: gitea + vars: + # Look and feel + gitea_app_name: "Git Desu" + # Core config + gitea_db_type: postgres + gitea_db_host: + gitea_db_name: gitea + gitea_db_user: gitea + gitea_db_password: "{{ secret_gitea_db_pass }}" + gitea_http_domain: git.test.desu.ltd + gitea_oauth2_enabled: no + gitea_root_url: http://git.test.desu.ltd + gitea_shell: "/bin/bash" + gitea_ssh_domain: git.test.desu.ltd + gitea_ssh_port: 22 + gitea_start_ssh: no + gitea_user: git + become: yes + tags: [ web, gitea ]