# Push an image if we've got one of those
if (file_exists("packs/$pack/icon.png")) {
echo "
# Get the pack description
$desc = "
# Get list of modpacks
$dir = new DirectoryIterator("packs");
$packs = array();
foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) {
if (!$fileinfo->isDot() && $fileinfo->isDir()) {
array_push($packs, $fileinfo->getFilename());
# Parse through and provide their information
if (!empty($packs)) {
echo '
A modpack.
"; $descfile = "packs/$pack/desc.html"; if (file_exists($descfile)) { $desc = file_get_contents($descfile); } echo "$desc"; # A small button to browse previous world downloads if (file_exists("../files/packs/$pack/worlds")) { echo ""; } # And a bright big download button echo "Download"; echo '';
# If we have a current pack, print that upfront
if (file_exists("packs/current") && readlink("packs/current")) {
# We have a valid current pack, remove it from the list and print it upfront
$currentpack = readlink("packs/current");
$packs = array_diff($packs, ["$currentpack", "current"]);
echo '
Current Modpack
'; echo_pack($currentpack); # If there's a server IP name along with that, print that out too if (file_exists("packs/currentip")) { $ip = file_get_contents("packs/currentip"); echo "$ip
# Sort the list of remaining packs
# Print the rest of them
echo '
foreach ($packs as $pack) {
echo '