<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/src/common-meta.php';?> <link href="/minecraft/styles/styles.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <title>9iron - Modded Minecraft Setup</title> </head> <body> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/src/common-header.php';?> <div class="content"> <div class="section"> <a href="/minecraft" class="startbutton"> <i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> <p>Return to modpacks</p> </a> <h1>Setting Up Modded Minecraft</h1> </div> <div class="subcontainer" id="java"> <h2>1. Installing Java</h2> <p>Minecraft depends on Java. It's important that you have the latest 64-bit edition of Java installed.</p> <ol> <li>Go to <a href="https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp">Java Downloads</a></li> <li>Download and run the "Windows Offline (64-bit)" option</li> </ol> </div> <div class="subcontainer" id="multimc"> <h2>2. Installing MultiMC</h2> <p>MultiMC is the launcher that we use to organize our modpacks. It has a number of features to make pack installation easier.</p> <ol> <li>Download <a href="https://multimc.org/#Download">MultiMC</a></li> <li>Extract the zip file somewhere, like your desktop or Documents folder</li> <li>Run <code>multimc.exe</code></li> </ol> <p>MultiMC will then run you through basic setup. You can accept the defaults, but will probably want to change the following:</p> <ul> <li>On the page where it asks you to set up Java, set these values:</li> <ul> <li>Set "Maximum Memory Allocation" to 4096MB</li> <li>Set "Minimum Memory Allocation" to 1024MB</li> </ul> </ul> <p>After that, it'll drop you to the main screen and you can progress to the next step.</p> </div> <div class="subcontainer" id="pack"> <h2>3. Installing a Modpack</h2> <p>All modpacks here are installable through MultiMC.</p> <ol> <li>Download the modpack you want to play</li> <li>Open MultiMC</li> <li>Hit the "Add Instance" button in the upper-left</li> <li>Pick the option on the left called "Import from Zip"</li> <li>Browse for the zip you just downloaded</li> <li>Click OK</li> </ol> <p>This will set you up with a nice, shiny new instance with all the mods ready to go. Double-click it to launch it.</p> <p>If MultiMC prompts for it, be sure to set up your Minecraft account.</p> </div> <div class="subcontainer" id="joining"> <h2>4. Joining the Server</h2> <p>Now the last thing we need to do is connect you to the server.</p> <ol> <li>Launch the game by double-clicking the modpack icon</li> <li>Copy the server URL (something like <code>modpack.mc.9iron.club</code>)</li> <li>In the game, go to "Multiplayer", and click "Add Server"</li> <li>Stick whatever name you want in the name field and paste the server URL in the "IP Address" field</li> <li>Double-click it to join</li> </ol> <p>You're looking for the huge, can't-miss-it serif font with the gray background:</p> <code class="bigcode">serverip.blah.blah</code> </div> </div> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/src/common-footer.php';?> </div> </body> </html>